Monday, October 26, 2009

Parent/Teacher Workday

The Parent/Teacher Workday for the fall semester is this Sunday, 11/1/09 from 1-4 p.m. at the school. Please bring yard tools, wheelbarrels, painting poles, extension ladders and paint brushes.

We will be painting the new building, planting in the garden, working on a couple of classroom doors and distributing mulch on the playground.

Don't forget - at least one parent from each family should attend.

Contact Shannon at 787-1899 for alternatives if you are unable to attend.

Thank you for your continued support!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

4th Annual Oyster Roast & Silent Auction:
Got Questions?

Let us know – we will post questions & answers here on the Harmony Family Blog immediately

Submit questions to:

Our Thanks to...

Thank you to Joe, Tyler and Debbie Holmes, Kristin McAngus, Carroll Bruno and Jack Duncan for helping to scrape, sand and prime the building on Tuesday, October 20th.

Thank you to Beth Moore, Tyler and Debbie Holmes for scraping and priming the building on Wednesday, October 21st to get it completed and ready to paint on our Parent/Teacher workday Sunday, November 1st from 1pm until 4pm.

Oyster Roast/Silent Auction Q&A

  1. Will there be any tofu oysters this year? No, but there will be a basket of rubber erasers available for roasting.
  2. Will there be any other food options besides oysters and chili? Possibly some artisan bread and cupcakes but no other "main food" as the preschoolers would say.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oyster Roast & Silent Auction Approaching 11/7/09

Less than 3 weeks remain before the 4th Annual Oyster Roast & Silent Auction. The cost is $30 in advance ($15 of the ticket price is tax-deductible) or $35 beginning 11/1/09 . Our goal is for each Harmony Family to sell 4 tickets and to turn in as many auction items as possible. Visit the event blog for a current listing of available auction items

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Shannon or Stacey by email:

This is going to be a great evening for all Harmony parents (past and present), teachers, friends and supporters! LET'S GET ROASTED!

PTO Meeting

Everyone is invited to the PTO meeting on Tuesday 10/20/09 at 5:45pm.
Since this is also the Harmony Family Night at Hooligan's, the meeting will be held at the restaurant. Ms. Jan will be available (donation suggested) to keep the kiddies in order while we work thru some leftover business from the last meeting.

Harmony Night at Hooligan's

Tuesday 10/20 is Harmony Family Night at Hooligan's Deli at Trenholm Plaza. Hooligan's will donate 20% of all Harmony purchases back to the school.

Hooligan's offers this fundraising opportunity on the third Tuesday of every month.
Thanks Hooligan's!! See you there!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

School Pictures

Tuesday, October 13 - Two Important Notes

1) Make-up picture day for students who missed the original date

2) Pick-up pictures (from original day & make up day) from 2:30-5:30 pm