Friday, February 27, 2009

A Place to Communicate

Some parents like to email, some like to use the google-groups...then there are the parent pockets, cubbies and the hallway whiteboards. Plenty of ways for parents to keep in touch with the school and each other, right?
Well, guess again! There have been requests (even a demand or two...) for more ways for us to communicate. I used a blog to keep track of the Silent Auction activity and it worked well for me so I'm putting this blog up for the parents and friends of Harmony to use as needed.

Have a question or an idea? Post it!
Know the answer to someone's question? Post it!
Want to get something off your chest? Post it!
Start a discussion!! Don't be shy - let's talk!

I'm going to list some categories - to start a conversation or respond to a posting, click comment. You can also subscribe to the blog (as a follower - on the right side of the page)and receive notification when comments are added or changes are made. Want more categories? No problem - let me know Let's give it a whirl!!

And even though I started it, this isn't my blog. It's ours.
stacey hamilton leroy (delaney's mom)

1 comment:

  1. to subscribe as a follower, click on the OTHER right side...sorry!
