Thursday, April 2, 2009

School Picnic - Please Discuss

From the Harmony Board

Dear Harmony Parents,
The end of the year family picnic is a fun opportunity for Harmony students and families to gather together. In the past, the picnic has been held during the students' lunch time and families are responsible for bringing their own lunch. This year it is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13.

It's been proposed that we consider making this an after-school potluck cookout to give families more of an opportunity to socialize together. If held after school, we could grill out and families could bring sides.

Please share your thoughts on keeping this fun event A) during the students' lunchtime or B) moving it to an after school & after work time.

You may post comments to discuss this proposal. Cast your vote on the left.


  1. We've been to 2 or 3 picnics at lunch and while fun, we always feel "rushed" to get back to work or to leave so the kids can get back to class. It also causes my daughter to get upset when we leave and she can't go with us.
    Would LOVE an opportunity to relax with everyone after work.

  2. I like after work because it would allow siblings to come as well.

  3. I think that after school is ideal. My husband and I always felt horrible when there was a child that didn't have a family member present. They would have to see others enjoying lunch with their families while they would sit alone. The child's parent(s) may not be able to take off time in the middle of the day to come due to their work. This way it gives them an opportunity to come after school.

  4. The same could be said for the Thanksgiving Feast, when the time comes.
